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News Release: GNWT Slashing Programs and Positions at Aurora College

Jan 23, 2025

YELLOWKNIFE: The Union of Northern Workers (UNW) has been advised that as part of its transition to a polytechnic, Aurora College will be closing all Community Learning Centres and Literacy Outreach Centres as of June 30, 2025, affecting 47 unionized positions.

The Union of Northern Workers is strongly opposed to any such cuts and are concerned first and foremost for the workers at Aurora College who will be affected. The impact on their livelihoods, families, and mental health will be incalculable. 

The union is deeply concerned about how this will impact small communities in the NWT, particularly those with already limited access to secondary education and upgrading opportunities.  

This decision contradicts the college’s own promises to residents, learners, and communities:

“Aurora College is transforming into a polytechnic university and the Community Learning Centres will continue to deliver programs and training for residents in communities across the north.” 

“Community-based learning has played an important role at Aurora College for more than 50 years and as we continue to transform into a polytechnic university, we will increase access to learning opportunities by having a presence in every community.”

Aurora College’s transition to a polytechnic should not come at the cost of community-based learning. In times of economic downturn, we should be looking at strengthening the education of northerners, not reducing availability. By reducing access to education and the economic opportunities it provides, we further increase the dependency on an overburdened system to provide for individuals.

This decision is yet another example of how our territorial government does not care about residents and workers in small communities, and how decisions being made within the GNWT’s bureaucratic bubble not only contradict but actively work against the goals and objectives of our elected Assembly.

Gayla Thunstrom
UNW President


For media inquiries, please contact:
Adrienne Cartwright
Communications Officer
Union of Northern Workers
867-873-5668 ext.225 or