The Union of Northern Workers (UNW) is pleased to welcome our new Executive, who were elected from and by the delegates to the 18th UNW Triennial Convention held October 15-17, 2021.
UNW President: Gayla Thunstrom
UNW 1st Vice President: Melvin Larocque
UNW 2nd Vice President: Josée-Anne Spirito
Additionally, the results of the Regional and Equity Vice President elections were announced at Convention:
Regional Vice President Beaufort Delta – election in progress – announcement will be made in November
Regional Vice President Deh Cho – Dennis Nelner
Regional Vice President Fort Smith – Lauraine Armstrong
Regional Vice President Hay River – Ray Levesque
Regional Vice President Kimberlite – vacant
Regional Vice President North Great Slave – election in progress – announcement will be made in November
Regional Vice President Somba K’e – vacant – election will be run following Convention
Equity Vice President – vacant – election will be run following Convention
Gayla Thunstrom has been the UNW 1st Vice President since 2005. Gayla came to the NWT in 1988, working as a Licensed Practical Nurse at Stanton Territorial Hospital, where she first became active in her Local as the Secretary. She was elected Vice-President of her Local and was later elected as Regional Vice-President for the North Great Slave region.
Melvin Larocque has served on the UNW Executive since 2018 as Equity Vice President, and Josée-Anne Spirito have served on the UNW Executive since 2017 as Regional Vice President for Somba K’e.
The new Executive looks forward to serving and working with members over the next two years.
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