Strike votes have been conducted by the UNW over the last month. In person meetings were held in
Fort Smith, Hay River, Yellowknife, and Inuvik. There were also Zoom meetings for members who were
unable to attend in‐person sessions, and members in the smaller communities received mail ballots.
The results were a nearly unanimous majority in favour of strike action, if necessary. The UNW is
satisfied with the participation turnout and thanks all the members for staying informed of these
important discussions leading to the vote.
The Union and the Employer are returning to the table on September 10ᵗʰ knowing we have the full
renewed strength of the membership with us.
It is time for the NTPC to bring a NEW mandate to negotiations ‐ a mandate that respects their
hard‐working employees, instead of the divisive concessions/rollbacks they have been pushing
forward, as well as subpar wage increases.
Through your votes and voices at the meetings, we heard you loud and clear: No rollbacks.
Compensation that addresses the crippling cost of living. Improvements for members in small
We are going into negotiations in September with open minds, optimism, and a goal of getting a fair
deal, hoping that your Employer does the same.
The team and UNW will discuss next steps and will communicate with you. The Essential Services
Agreement remains in separate negotiations, and mediation could be an option should the parties
fail to be successful at reaching a tentative agreement in September.
We thank you, the members, for the support that you have shown us through bargaining to date, and
now for this amazing strike vote as we continue to work hard for you through this difficult round
of bargaining.
In Solidarity,
Your UNW Bargaining Team
Jacob Pokiak, Local 19 Maxime Thibault‐Gingras, PSAC Negotiator
Bryan Brazeau, Local 16 Gayla Thunstrom, UNW President
Christopher Dawe, Local 19