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Local 21 Communique - Retro Pay and Wage Increases

Hay River Health and Social Services Authority
Feb 06, 2024

A lot of members have been asking when they will see their retroactive negotiated pay increases on their pay cheques.

The Employer’s position is that they will not process the pay increases until the new Collective Agreement (CA) has been finalized and signed off by all parties, even though the changes have been formally agreed to in writing by both parties. 

Your new CA is currently being reviewed administratively for accuracy, which is the usual process following ratification. Your Union is doing everything we can to fast track the administrative review and sign off on our end.

Meanwhile, we have been advised that other changes to the newly negotiated CA have been implemented. If some changes can be implemented immediately (e.g. Social Justice Fund deductions), the Union does not see why the Employer can’t immediately implement the retroactive pay and wage increase.  It is normal practice to implement all changes to the CA once ratified by both parties.

If you have any questions about your collective agreement, please contact your Local President, shop steward, or UNW service officer.

In solidarity,
Gayla Thunstrom

UNW President