Your GNWT Collective Agreement (CA) expires March 31, 2026. It may seem early to start now, but the bargaining process has numerous steps to ensure that the negotiated settlement addresses the priorities identified by the members. Your voice is important!
Bargaining Input Survey and Proposal Suggestions:
All members in good standing are entitled to provide input on their bargaining priorities and suggestions for changes to the CA.
The usual process for collecting starts with you attending your Local’s bargaining input meeting. However, this extra layer has been added to ensure that everyone has an opportunity to contribute. You can write directly to your Union and identify what is important to you.
Enclosed is:
- Bargaining input survey – only one per member can be submitted
- Blank Bargaining Proposal suggestion sheet – you can submit as many proposals as you want; please use a separate sheet for each suggestion.
If you are not a signed member yet, you can fill out a membership application form and include it with your response:
What happens to your survey and proposals:
They will be compiled and forwarded to your Local for them to include in the normal bargaining input process. This includes Local meetings where:
- Proposals will be received, debated, and prioritized to be sent to the Bargaining Conference
- Elections will be held for delegates from your Local to attend the Bargaining Conference
You are strongly encouraged to attend Local meetings so that you can speak to your proposal to encourage the Local bargaining committee and members to support it.
If you have any questions, please contact: Chris Parsons, Director of Membership Services via email or 867-873-5688 ext 228
Important Dates:
February 14 - Deadline for bargaining input surveys & proposals to be received - Members send to UNW HQ
February 21
Surveys & proposals compiled and sent to Locals - UNW HQ to Local Presidents
February 22 – March 7 (approx. 2 weeks)
Timeframe for Local executive to review survey results - Local executives
March 10 - May 9 (approx. 9 weeks)
Official Call Out for Bargaining Input - Local general membership meetings to:
- Collect additional bargaining input from members
- Allow members to motivate/speak to their proposals and suggestions
- Elect a Local Level Bargaining Committee
May 9 – June 6 (approx. 4 weeks)
Local Level Bargaining Committees meet to review all proposals and prioritize top 5
Followed by Local general membership meetings to :
- Ratify the work of the committees’ top 5
- Elect 2 delegates to bargaining conference
June 9, 5:00 pm
Deadline to send to UNW HQ:
- Top 5 proposals
- Names of 2 bargaining conference delegates
GNWT Bargaining Conference - Elected Local delegates attend conference to:
- Prioritize proposals and narrow scope/focus
- Elect bargaining team and alternates