GNWT Bargaining FAQs:
Bargaining is done! So what comes next, and when?
What is an “agreement in principle” vs. “tentative agreement”?
The union bargaining team and the employer both tabled proposals at the beginning of negotiations. They were debated and many exchanges (often called passes) of positions of both parties took place in the last several months. Usually the two parties can come to a tentative agreement at the end of the negotiations process.
In this case, a neutral mediator was brought in and made non-binding recommendations on an agreement. After reviewing carefully, your bargaining team and the employer decided they would accept the recommendations as an agreement in principle. There were areas of the recommendations that did not include specific collective agreement language, only summaries. The two parties then worked together to write and agree upon this very specific language.
Once this language has been agreed upon, a "Minutes of Settlement is produced", which both bargaining teams sign off on, and this becomes the tentative agreement.
Your union bargaining team will take the finalised tentative agreement to the members to review and vote upon for acceptance/ratification. Members have the final say!
Where can I find out about what is in the tentative agreement?
Information about the tentative agreement will be provided at ratification meetings, in a ratification kit. This kit will include a summary of the changes, as well as the actual collective agreement amended language.
At these meetings, a formal presentation is scheduled. Union reps and bargaining team members will go through the tentative agreement in full detail with the members in attendance. They will be available to answer any questions you have. Importantly, you will have an opportunity to vote on the agreement.
What is a ratification meeting?
This is a meeting where members vote on a negotiated tentative agreement reached between your union bargaining team and the employer. As a union member, this is your democratic opportunity to vote on the tentative agreement. When a tentative agreement is approved by a majority of the membership, it is ratified. Documents will be distributed at the meeting so that the changes or amendments to your collective agreement can be explained, discussed, and questions answered.
Will the agreement be distributed prior to the ratification meetings?
You will be able to pick up a copy of the tentative agreement at the ratification meeting you attend. We do not make the tentative agreement available prior to the ratification meetings. This is partly to prevent media from getting hold of a copy and publishing partial information, which can lead to inaccurate or misleading interpretations.
It has also been our experience that many members who see the proposed agreement early do not attend the meetings. We want to encourage a strong turn out for the ratification meetings. The meetings ensure our members can review, get the right information, ask questions, and vote on the tentative agreement. This will also help ensure maximum membership participation so members can make an informed decision. As some of the changes may be difficult to understand, the union reps will ensure you are provided with accurate and complete information on the tentative agreement for you to make an informed decision.
When and where are these ratification meetings?
Ratification meeting locations, times, and dates will be posted on the union bulletin board in offices, emailed to members who have provided personal email addresses to the UNW, and will be available on the UNW website. The schedules will be posted in advance so you can plan to attend a meeting. Please encourage your co-workers to do the same - the tentative agreement affects your future!
What is the point of attending the ratification meeting if an agreement is already reached?
Your bargaining team has been working hard to achieve the best possible deal since negotiations started in July 2023. The support and participation of our membership was critical in reaching a settlement. But your participation is still needed. It is now your time to make your voice heard - to vote on acceptance or rejection of this tentative agreement.
If the majority of GNWT members across all UNW Locals who cast a ballot vote to ratify the tentative agreement, then the changes outlined in the tentative agreement will be incorporated into your new collective agreement which outlines your wages, benefits, working conditions, etc. for the coming years.
NOT attending a meeting to vote does not send a message - only your "yes" or "no" vote does. A majority is determined only by the number of votes cast.
What if I don’t like the tentative agreement?
If you feel strongly enough to vote "no" to ratifying the tentative agreement, you must be willing to take the next step and potentially take strike action (if the majority vote the same way). This is the only way to give your bargaining team enough power to go back to the employer and try for more.
How long will the votes take and when will we know the results?
The GNWT has a lot of members across the NWT and Nunavut, so ratification meetings will take some time to allow for enough meetings and so that all members have the opportunity to vote. This can take a few weeks. Votes will be counted ASAP once all the voting is concluded, and results of the ratification votes will be announced without delay.
Please note: normally, vote numbers are not released widely. Members will be advised if the ratification passed or not.